The first meeting of the MORE Exchange Forum will take place on 1st October 2019 in Graz, Vienna, ahead of the 2019 CIVITAS Forum conference.
What is the MORE Exchange Forum?
The MORE Exchange Forum is a platform to discuss and exchange ideas relating to road/street-space allocation on main roads in cities (including kerbside management) and to provide feedback on the MORE tools and research results. Members of the MORE Exchange Forum will receive frequent updates, have the opportunity to meet regularly throughout the project and contribute to shape the MORE tools and concepts. MORE Exchange Forum Members will be able to closely follow, comment on and validate the development of the tools. They will also serve as a sounding board for discussing other areas of work in the MORE project, where user needs are identified, regulatory frameworks are reviewed, technological futures are explored and scenarios are developed, and dynamic road design requirements are identified; and to share their own work.
Who should join the forum, and how?
Representatives of local and regional authorities, commercial associations, consultancies, users’ representatives, researchers, NGOs and private companies from across Europe are invited to join the MORE Exchange Forum. To join the MORE Exchange Forum, please fill out the following online form. All Forum members are invited to participate in the annual Forum Meetings.
Limited financial support is available to assist a small number of members to attend, where other sources of funding are not available.
If you have any questions, please contact Francesco Ripa.